The Resource Directory Master Index
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210-G Morgan Library - Serials Dept.
241 East Carters Valley Rd.
4STAR Horseshoes/IMPACT Forge & Machine
5S Equine Sole Support System
A & C Distributors
A Cut Above Distributing Company
A.A. Callister Corp.
A.B. Halmstads Gummifabrik
ANVIL Magazine
Abatron, Inc.
Academy of Equine Dentistry
Across The Anvil Farrier Supplies
Agri-Tool & Supply, Inc.
Ahrens Horseshoes
Air Draulics Engineering Company
Airco Welding Supplies
Alabama Forge Council
Alabama Professional Horseshoers Association
Alaska State Farriers Association
Alex Bealer Blacksmith Association
Alleghany Horseshoers Association
Allison's Wells School of Arts & Crafts, Inc.
Alloy Casting Co.
American Association of Equine Practitioners
American Coal Sales
American Farriers Assn. Equine Research Fund
American Farriers Association
American Farriers Journal
American Horse Council
American Horse Publications
American Master Craft
American Master Farrier School
American Pioneer Video
American Veterinary Medical Association
Amicale des Marechaux Ferrant de Belgique
Amsterdam Blacksmith Supply
Andreas Strohm, Hufbeschlag-Artikel-Fachhandel
Anesco Zerox II, Inc.
Anti-Borax Compound Company, Inc.
Anvil Arts Studio
Anvil Brand Shoe Company
Anvil Magazine Online
Anvil's Ring/Sebastian Publishing
Anvil, Forge & Hammer
AnvilSong Booksellers
Appalachian Area Chapter, ABANA
Appalachian Blacksmiths Association
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Archer Industries
Architectural Iron Designs, Inc.
Arizona Artist-Blacksmith Association
Arizona State Farriers Association, Inc.
Arkansas Horseshoers Association
Armstrong Bros. Tool Company
Art & Metal Company
Arthur Cottam & Company (Horseshoes) Ltd.
Artisan North America Inc.
Artist Blacksmith Association of New Zealand
Artist-Blacksmiths Assn. of North America
Ashberry Acres
Ashegrove, Inc.
Asheville Ironworks
Asociacon Venezolana De Herreros
Association Des Marechaux-Ferrant du Quebec
Association Ouriere ees Campagnous de Devoir
Association for Equine Sports Medicine
Association of Jamaican Farriers
Astragal Press
Atlantic Equine, Ltd.
Atlantic Farrier & Blacksmith Supply
Atlas Metal Sales
Auburn Horseshoeing School
Auburn Tack & Feed
Audickas Horseshoeing Supplies
Augusta Tech Institute
Austin Community College
Australian Blacksmith Supplies
Australian Capital Territory Farriers Association
Australian Farriers & Blacksmiths Association
Australian Horse Shoe Nail Co.
Aztec Feed & Supply
B & R Equestrian Mfg. Co.
B. Griffin
BIOflex Medical Magnetics
Back-Pleaser Products
Backcountry Horsemen of California
Backroads Data
Baker Horseshoes
Bar U Bar Supply
Bar-K Blacksmith Supply
Barry Pattern & Foundry Co., Inc.
Batavia Atomic Welding
Bavarian Ironworks
Bayshore Metals, Inc.
Bear Creek Forge
Bee Industries
Beesmart Horse Products, Division of Farnam Co.
Belgrade Saddlery
Benjamin Tools, Ltd.
Bergeron Blacksmith Supply
Berman Leather Co., Inc.
Bickmore, Inc.
Billy Crothers Handmade Horseshoes
Black Diamond Shoe Company
Blacksmith Association of Missouri
Blacksmith Guild of Central Maryland
Blacksmith Organization of Arkansas
Blacksmith's Gazette
Blacksmithing Essentials of New York, Ltd.
Blacksmithing Essentials of New York, Ltd.
Blacksmiths Association of Western Australia
Blacksmiths Guild of the Potomac
Bloom Forge
Blue Creek Blacksmith Supplies & Tack, Inc.
Blue Moon Press
Blue Ribbon Horseshoe Manufacturing
Bluegrass Artist Blacksmiths Guild
Bluegrass Equine Products, Inc.
Bluegrass Horseshoers Association, Inc.
Bob Phalen Horseshoeing & Supply
Boggs File Sharpening Co.
Bond-N-Flex/Postyme, Inc.
Bonneville Forge Council
Bookmasters, Inc.
Bowie Clay Muel-Fol Company, Inc.
Bradford Coal Company, Inc.
Bradford Metals
Brain Press
Breakthrough Publications
Breeders Supply & Equipment Company
Brent Baley
Brighton Feed & Saddlery
Broken Bow Livestock Supply
Brookfield Craft Center
Brooks Lane Smithy, Ltd.
Browns Farriers Forge Supply
Bruce Wilcock Forgings
Bryan Horseshoeing Supplies
Buckeye Feed Mills, Inc.
Buffalo Forge Company
Bullhammer Technology
Bundesanstalt Fur Pferdezucht
Burr King Mfg. Co., Inc.
Bush & Sons Horseshoe Supplies
Butler Graduate Farrier Training
Butler Publishing and Farrier Services
C & M Horseshoe Sales/AP Tool Co.
C & M Services
C.S. Mott Community College
CV Hoefijzerfabriek Werkman & Co.
Calgary Exhibition/Stampede, Agric. Dept.
California Blacksmiths Association
California Draft Horse & Mule Association
California Polytechnic State University
CanIron Blacksmith Conference
Canadian Farrier Tools, Inc.
Canadian School of Horseshoeing
Canyon Horseshoe Supply
Capewell Horse Nails, Inc.
Carroll County Farm Museum
Cashion Machine Shop
Castle Plastics, Inc.
Cavallo 2000
Cedar Lakes Crafts Center
Centaur Equine Products
Centaur Forge, Ltd.
Central New York Horseshoers Association
Central Valley Farrier Supply
Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild
Century Manufacturing Company
Chambersburg Engineering
Champion Ergonomics
Chaparral Blacksmith Shop
Chip Hunt Tools
Chisham Forge
Christopher Thomson Ironworks
Circle K Farrier Supply
City Coal Yard
Clarke Horseshoes Pty., Ltd.
Clem Mellott Coal Sales
Cleveland Steel Tool Company
Cliff Carroll's Horseshoers Supplies, Inc.
Closeburn Hardware Ltd.
Cody James Company
Colonial Castings, Inc.
Colorado Rocky Mountain Blacksmith School
Colorado School of Trades
Colorado State Univ. - Libraries
Colorado Waterjet Company
Connecticut Blacksmith Guild
Conner Prairie Museum
CooperTools/Diamond Tool
CooperTools/Diamond Tool
Cornell University
Corona/Lexol Div., Summit Industries
Corpco Tech Corp.
Cowtown Horseshoeing School
Crag Equine, Inc.
Crescent City Iron Supply
Cronton Smithy Supplies
Cross-Brand Feeds
Crown G. Enterprises, Inc.
Cumberland Elkhorn Coal & Coke
Curtis Hamilton Blacksmith Supply
Custer Forge & Welding
Custom Brooms
Cut-Heal Animal Care Products, Inc.
D & L Coal Company
D.L. Schwartz Company
DS Horseshoeing Tools
Dakota Artist-Blacksmiths Association
Danish Free Farriers Association
Davis Feed & Fertilizer, Inc.
Davis Manufacturing
Dawson Community College
Dayvon Supply
Delta Horseshoe Company, Inc.
Desert Farrier Supply
Diamond G Forge
Diamond W Engraving
Dingee's Farrier Supply
Dollywood Pigeon Forge
Dolphin Press
Double Bar One Farrier and Equine Supplies
Double D Rubber Horseshoes
Double G Farrier's Glove
Dragonfly Enterprises
Duggan Manufacturing
Durham Blacksmiths School
Dutchtown Forge, Ltd.
Dynalloy Industries, Inc.
Dynamic Reaction Hoof Pads
E&C Machine
E-3 / Pro Image
E.E. Waldeck Turf Supply Company
E.G. Heller's Son, Inc.
E.H. Hall/Westfield Tanning Co., Inc.
E.J.'s Horseshoes & Supplies
E.M. Natt, Ltd.
E.R. Harvey Metalworking Co.
EQ, Inc.
EQ, Inc./Luwex
EQyss International
Eagle Farrier Supply
East Tennessee Farriers Association
East Texas Blacksmith Alliance
Eastern Equine & Farrier Supplies, Inc.
Eastern Idaho Farriers Association
Eastern School of Farrier Science
EasyCare, Inc.
Education Center of Japan Farrier Association
El 7 Cueros
Ellsworth Community College
Emcoclavos S.A.
Emerson Horseshoe Supply
Empire Farrier Supply
Empire State Farriers Association
Enderes Tool Company
Engle Creek Forge
Enniskillen Farrier Supplies
Eques-Tech, Inc.
Equi Trade
EquiTrade Corp.
Equilox Int'l., Inc., Farrier Supplies
Equine Data Management Software
Equine Digit Support System, Inc.
Equine Education Institute
Equine Educational Services
Equine Forgings Limited
Equine Forgings Limited
Equine International, Inc.
Equine Orthotics, Inc.
Equine Performance Products
Equine Research Centre
Equine Research, Inc.
Equipment Innovators, Inc.
Equistar Publications
Equithotics, Inc.
Equivisions Unlimited
Equus Petroleum Corp. (Coxton Poly-Shoe)
Espree Animal Products, Inc.
European Farrier Supply
European Farriers Journal
Everlast Tool & Machine
Extendo Bed Company, INc.
F.C. Sturtevant Company
FE Wear
Fachverband Metall Baden-Wurttemberg
Fairview College
Far Hills Forge
Farrier Academics
Farrier Forms/Morgan Publishing, Inc.
Farrier Industry Association
Farrier Product Distribution, Inc.
Farrier Science Clinic
Farrier Supplies
Farrier Supplies
Farrier's Choice Horseshoes
Farrier's Greeting Cards
Farriers Association of Trinidad & Tobago
Farriers Association of Washington State
Farriers Depot, Inc.
Farriers Trading Post
Farriers of Idaho Guild
Fearing Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Feather River College
Federal File Company
Feed & Farm Store, Inc.
Ferrobriar, Inc.
Ferrous Furniture
Fiebing Company
Figuerola Laboratories
Finger Lakes Farrier Supply
Finnish Farriers Association
First Move
Flag Is Up Farms
Flatland Forge, Inc.
Flex-Step, Inc.
Florida Artist-Blacksmith Association
Florida State Farriers Association
Fly Master North America, Inc.
Fly Wraps
Flying A Ranch
Flying V Horseshoe Supply Company
Folk Art Center
Forge & Anvil Metal Studio
Forge & Anvil Online
Forgemaster Furnace Company
Four Shoes Horse & Farrier Supply
Four States Iron Munchers Association
Francis Whitaker
Freeborn Tool and Forge
Frosts Knivfabrik AB
Furnace Town Blacksmiths Guild
Future Farriers of the World
G & B Farrier Supply, Inc.
G & H Horseshoe Sales, Inc.
G.E. Forge & Tool, Inc.
Ganeden Equine Products
Garden State Horseshoers Association
Gary's Blacksmith Shop
Gatco Products, Inc.
Geisler Farm & Farrier Supply
Gencor, Ltd.
Georgia Farrier Supply, Inc.
Georgia Professional Farriers Association
Gerald Hawkins, Blacksmith
Glaser USA, Inc.
Glendale Forge
Golden Pheasant Art Metal Shop
Goodheart-Willcox Publishers
Gould Academy
Graham Manufacturing
Grainger Enterprises, Inc.
Grand Circuit Products, Inc.
Grand Meadows Nutritional Products, Inc.
Grape Vine Farm Tack/Farrier Supplies
GrayStar Products
Great Plains Blacksmith Association
Great Southern Metals
Greene County Horseshoe Supply
Greenmont Coal
Grinter Wholesale Trading
Guild of Metalsmiths
Guild of Professional Farriers
Gulfcoast Blacksmiths Association
H & B Distributors
H.M. Stevens
Half Halt Press, Inc.
Halverson Horseshoe Supply & Manufacturing
Hammerhead Shoein' Gear
Hammertime Forge.
Hans Duus Blacksmith
Harcourt Brace and Co., Ltd.
Harris Books & Videos
Harry Patton Horseshoeing Supplies #1
Harry Patton Horseshoeing Supplies #2
Harry's Leather
Hartwell Industries, Inc.
Hawaii Professional Farriers Association
Hawthorne Products, Inc.
Haycock Forge
Hayman Industries
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts
Healthy HairCare Products
Heartland Horseshoeing School
Heck Industries, Inc.
Heffernan's Equine Care Products/Thrush-Ban
Helvetia, Inc.
Herfordshire College of Art & Design
Herraduras Valdes
Hibbert's Handmade Halters
High Country Horseshoes (1991), Ltd.
Highland Forge School of Blacksmithing
Hill Country Horseshoeing School
Hippo Dynamix AG
Hobart Bros. Welding Company
Hobby Horse Farriery Supplies
Hoffmann Publications
Hoof & Nail Farrier Supplies, Ltd.
Hoof Alive tm
Hoof Marvel
Hoof Staple
Hoof Talk, Inc.
Hoofbeat Publications
Hoofcare & Lameness
Horse Footwear Products Co., Inc.
Horse Guard Products
Horse Science - Horse Sense
Horse/Horseman Magazine
Horsehead Tool Company, Inc.
Horseman's Press
Horseplay Magazine
Horseshoe & Farrier Supplies, Ltd.
Horseshoe Barn
Horseshoe Mart Farrier Supply
Horseshoeing Schools
Horseshoes 2000
Horseshoes Plus, Inc.
Horseshoes Unlimited
Hossfeld Manufacturing Company, Dept. AD
Hot Iron Technologies
Hot Shoe Farrier Supply
Hughes Horse & Rider Supplies
Humane Manufacturing Company
Hungerford Oil Company
I.S.P. Company, Inc.
IBEX Equine, Ltd.
Iain Wilson Horseshoes (Scotland)
Illinois Valley Blacksmith Association
Indian River Community College
Indiana Blacksmithing Association
Indiana Farriers Association
Indital, Inc.
Indo-Foreign Sports Company
Industrial Coverage Corp.
Industrial Welding Supply
Inland Northwest Blacksmiths Association
Innisfree Bio-Magnetics (Farley Flexion Boots)
Interhoof International, Inc.
International Equine Podiatry Center
International Museum of the Horse
Interweave Press
Iowa Professional Farriers Association
Irish Master Farriers Association
Iron Age Antiques
Iron Horse Enterprises, Inc.
Ironwood, LLC
Irony Magazine
Italian Farriers Association
J & C Gibbins
J & M Distributing
J. & A. Ferrie Farrier Supplies
J. Scott Simpson Publishing
J.A. Allen & Co., Ltd.
J.G. Braun Company
J.L. Fletcher Farrier Supply
J.V. Products
JB Aluminum Bar Shoe Company
JHM Manufacturing Co.
JHM Manufacturing Company
JS Horseshoes
Jameg Horseshoes
Jansen Ornamental Supply Company
Japan Farriers Association
Jean-Claude Boulet
Jim Keith Tools
Jimmy Johnson Coal Sales
Joan Larson Art
Joe Trhlik Farrier Supplies
John C. Campbell Folk School
John Forkin
John James Hawley Specialty Works
Johnson Gas Appliance Company
Jordahl Blacksmith Shop & Farrier Supply
Jordanian Farriers Association
Justi Products
K & G Finishing Supplies
K.R. Broll Horseshoe Supply, LLC
Kansas Farriers Association
Karl Schroen Workshops
Kass Forge
Kauffman's Animal Health, Inc.
Kayne & Son Custom Hardware, Inc.,
Ken Davis & Sons, Inc.
Kentucky Blacksmith,Farrier & Veterinary Supply
Kentucky Blacksmiths Association
Kentucky Equine Research
Kentucky Horseshoeing School
Keratex Equine Hoofcare
Kerckhaert Eurofers
Kerckhaert, b.v.
Keyser Coal & Trucking
Kilgore's Farrier Supply
King Architectural Metals
Kirk Habicht Company
Knife World Magazine
Koch & Koch, Inc. Insurance
Koka Metalsmiths
Kootenay Blacksmiths Association
Kraus Farrier Supply, Inc.
Kwality Exports
Kwantlen College, Langley Campus
L & M All-Purpose Heel Socks
Lamar Community College
Land of Lincoln Horseshoers Association
Lander Tool & Die
Laramie County Community College
Laser Precision Cutting, Inc.
Laurel Enterprises
Laurel Machine & Foundry Co.
Lawler Foundry Corporation
Lazzari Fuel Company, Inc.
Lewis Brass & Copper Co., Inc.
Liberty Forge
Life Data Labs, Inc.
Linden Publishing Company
Linn-Benton Community College-Farrier School
Little Giant
Lloyd Industries, Ltd.
Lookout Mountain School of Horseshoeing
Loose Change Publications
Lopez Farrier Rebuilds
Louisiana Metalsmiths Association
M & J Horseshoe Supply, Inc.
M.J. Distributor
MAC Metals
MC Shoeing Supplies
MCS Designs
MacKenzie Nail Company, Ltd.
Maine Farriers Association
Malcolm Paine, AWCB
Mankel Blacksmith Shop
Marble Miniature & Machine
Marechalerie Bromont, Inc.
Maritime Horseshoeing School, Ltd.
Mark Williams Custom Ironwork
Markel Insurance Company
Marlborough Horse Trials
Marshallton Blacksmith Supply
Marston Books Services, Ltd.
Martin Lemons Tool Rebuilding
Maryland Farriers Association
Maryland Horseshoeing School
Maverick Farrier Products
Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center ?
McCarthy's Horseshoe Supply
McCauley Bros., Inc.
McGill Distribution
McKee's Farrier Supply
McLellan Blacksmithing
McVay's Farrier Supply, Inc.
Meader Supply Corporation
Melco Steel, Inc.
Merced College
Merced College - School of Farriery
Meredith Manor International Equestrian Ctr.
Mesa Technical College
Mexican Farriers Association
Michael Plumb's Horse Journal / Belvoir Publicatio
Michel Vaillant
Michigan Artist-Blacksmiths Association
Michigan Horseshoers Association
Mid West Farrier Supply
Mid-Atlantic Farrier Supply
Mid-Atlantic Quarter Horse Association
Mid-Atlantic Smiths Association
Mid-Continent Coal & Coke Company
Mideastern Farriers Association
Midwest Farrier Supply
Midwest Horseshoeing School
Midwest Horseshoeing Supply
Midwestern Farriers Association
Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
Miller Forge & Trading Co.
Milwaukee Tool & Equipment Company
Mingus Mountain Machine Works
Minnesota Farriers Association
Minnesota School of Horseshoeing
Mission Farrier School
Mississippi Forge Council
Missouri Farriers Association
Mojave Southern Machine Works
Mondial Nail Co/Melallurgica Rusconi Domenico S.A.
Monetta Farrier Specialties, Inc.
Monetta Manufacturing
Montague Blacksmith Supply
Montana Professional Horseshoers Association
Montana State University Horseshoeing School
Montpelier Cultural Arts Center
Moroccan Farriers Association, c/o SPA/SPANA
Morris Coal Sales
Multi Products Company
Multi Products Company
Multi-Chem Products
Music City Horseshoers Association
Mustad Glu-Strider
Mustad Hoofcare Switzerland
Mustad, Inc.
NC Tool Company
Nat, Museum of Horseshoeing Tools & Hall of Honor
National Assn of Farriers,Blksmiths & Ag Engrs.
National Blacksmiths/Weldors Association
National Coal Company
National Master Farriers Association of Australia
National Ornamental & Misc. Metals Assn. (NOMMA)
National Ornamental Metals Museum
Nature Farms Farrier Supply
Nebraska Blacksmiths, Weldors & Machinists Assn.
Nederland Gilde van Kunstsmeden
Nevada Professional Farriers Association
Neville Barnes, Ltd.
New England Blacksmiths
New England School of Horseshoeing
New England School of Metalwork
New Farm Farrier Supply
New Jersey Blacksmith Association
New Mexico Professional Horseshoers Association
New York State Designers Blacksmiths
New Zealand Farriers Association, Inc.
Nickers International, Ltd.
Nimba Forge
Norco Ranch Outfitters
Nordic Forge, Inc.
Norm Larson Books
North Alberta Blacksmiths Guild
North Carolina Chapter, ABANA
North Carolina Horseshoers Association
North Carolina School of Horseshoeing & Lameness
North Texas Blacksmiths Association
Northeast Farrier Supply
Northeastern Blacksmiths Association
Northern Adirondack Farriers Association
Northern Michigan University
Northern Minnesota Metalsmiths
Northern Rockies Blacksmiths Association
Northville Horseshoe Supply
Northwest Blacksmiths Association
Northwest College
Northwest Community College
Northwest Horseshoe Supply Company
Northwest Ohio Blacksmiths
Northwinds Forge
Nu-Solutions/Schmoling & Associates, Inc.
Nutrena Feeds
O'Dwyer Horseshoe Sales
O'Dwyer Wholesale Trading Pty., Ltd.
OP Link Handle Company, Inc.
OTM Construction Co., Inc.
Oak and Iron Publishing
Oakdale Farrier Supply
Ocmulgee Blacksmith Guild
October Farm Horse Books
Oklahoma Farriers Association, Inc.
Oklahoma Farriers College, Inc.
Oklahoma Horseshoeing School
Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School
Old Cowtown Museum
Old Sturbridge Village
Old World Anvils
Olds College
Oleo Acres Farrier Supply, Inc. South
Oleo Acres North Farrier Supply, Inc.- North
Olsen & Silk Abrasives
Olympia Farrier Supply
One Stop Farrier Shop, LLC
Ontario Artist-Blacksmith Association
Ontario Farriers Association
Oregon Farriers Association
Oregon School of Arts and Crafts
Oriole Forge
Osha Products
Overland Farrier Supply
Ozark School of Blacksmithing, Inc.
Ozone Studios
P.H. Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box 5119
PO Box 9
Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School
Pakistan Enterprises
Paladin Press
Paradise Valley Ironworks, Inc.
Peddinghaus Corporation
Pell, Inc.
Penland School of Crafts
Pennsylvania Artist-Blacksmith Association
Pennsylvania Professional Farriers Association
Perfect Stride, Ltd.
Peterbylt Enterprises
Peters Valley Craft Center
Pfizer Animal Health
Phillip Simmons Artist-Blksmth Guild of S.Carolina
Piedmont Coal & Oil Company
Pierce Farrier Supply
Pikes Peak Community College
Pine Technical College
Pinehurst Forge
Pioneer Veterinary Services
Pittsburgh Area Artist-Blacksmiths
Plant Enterprises
Platte Valley Farrier Supply
Pleasant Street Forge
Pleasant Valley Cabinet
Pocahontas Coal
Poor House Farrier Supply
Poor Man's Publications
Postman Press
Postville Blacksmith Shop
Practical Horseman
Prairie Blacksmiths Association
Precision Laser Fabricating
Professional Equine Products
Professional Farrier Supply
Professional's Choice Sports Med. Prods., Inc
Punjab Cycle Parts Manufacturing Co.
Punjab Engineers
Purdybilt Bodies and Equipment
Purina Mills, Inc.
Quebec Farriers Association
R & B Wagner, Inc.
R & P Horseshoe Sales
R.J. Freeborn Enterprises
R.T. Duggan Co.
RGM Bar Shoes
RR #1
RWG Incorporated
Racer Woven Rim Pads
Racing Academy & Centre of Education (R.A.C.E.)
Ranvet Pty., Ltd.
Rat Hole Forge
Real Wrought Iron Company, Ltd.
Registry of Professional Farrier Educators
Remuda Tire Company
Renaissance Nutrition
Reviewers Consortium
Rhode Island School of Design-Cont. Ed. Dept.
Richard Gordon Company
Richard Kaish, Designer
Richard Klimesh - Videos
Ride! Magazine
Ridge School Machine
Rigney's Traveleze
Riley Built, Inc.
Ringel Custom Knives
Rio Vista Products
River Bluff Forge Council
River City Machinery
Robert O. Taylor Company
Roberts Oxygen Company, Inc.
Roberts Oxygen Company, Inc.
Roberts Oxygen Company, Inc.
Robin Bledsoe, Bookseller
Rochester Equine Clinic
Rocky Comfort Forge & Video
Rocky Mountain Farriers Association
Rocky Mountain Smiths
Roo Tools
Rose Metal Industries, Inc.
Rosedale Farrier Supply
Roundup Press
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Royal Truck Body
Royer Biomedical, Inc.
Ruidoso Hoof Gauge
Rural Development Commission
Rural Heritage
Rural Smiths of Mid-America
Russell Breckenridge Company
Russell Hite Leather Products
Rustam & Company International
Rusty May Saddlery
S. Alberta Chap-W. Canadian Blacksmiths
SBS Equine Products
SHUZ, Inc.
SMG Equipment & Supply
Sabre Equine
Saddle Creek Farm & Supply
Saddlewood Horseshoe & Supply
Saltfork Craftsmen Artist Blacksmiths Association
San Diego County Farriers Association
Saskatchewan Blacksmiths Guild
Saskatchewan Western Dev. Museum Blksmithg School
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
School of Veterinary Medicine
Scott M. Colson's Shop
Scottsdale Farrier Supply
Sereno Farrier Supply
Seven Eagles Historical Education Center
Sharp's Shoeing Forge
Shelburne Craft School
Shoe Exchange
Shoer's Shoe Store
Shone Horseshoe Supply
Shop Supply Company
Showtime Horseshoe Manufacturing Company
Shull Industrial
Shurshod Horseshoeing School
Sierra Horseshoeing School
Sierra Livestock Supply, Inc.
Silver Shield
Silver Shoe Supply
Simonds Industries, Inc.
Sir Sandford Fleming College
Skipjack Press, Inc.
Slypner Athletic Horseshoes
Small Farmer's Journal
Smejderiet Denmark
Smith Surgical Co.
Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program
So. Illinois University - School of Art & Design
Societa Italiana di Mascalcia
Soho Farrier Supply
SomerSong Forge Trailers
Sorbothane, Inc.
SoundHorse Technologies
Source, Inc.
South African Farriers Association
South Australia Farrier/Blacksmiths Association
South Carolina Farriers Association
Southeastern Horseshoers on Education (S.H.O.E.)
Southern Farriers Association
Southern Highland Craft Guild
Southern Illinois Horseshoe Supply
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University Press
Southern Nevada Horseshoers Association, Inc.
Southern New England Farriers Association
Southern Ohio Forge and Anvil
Southern Steel & Supply Company, Inc.
Southwest Artist-Blacksmiths Association
Spain Farriers Associaton
Spalding Laboratories
Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop, Inc.
Sparky Abrasives Company
Spring Valley Harness
Springer Archival Classics
St. Croix Forge, Inc.
St. Eloy Publishing
St. Laurent Horseshoe Corporation
Star of Texas
Station House Farriery Supplies
Stead Enterprises
Stepleton & Ruble Steel, Inc.
Stockhoff's Horseshoes and Supplies
Stockman's Supplies
Stone Well Bodies & Equipment
Straight Arrow Products, Inc.
Streat Fuel Company
Striker Tool Company (USA)
Sul Ross State Univ., Range Animal Science Center
Sundance Press
Superior Flux & Manufacturing Co.
Sur-Fin Chemical Corporation
Swallows Tack Shop
Swan Porta-Forge
Swedish Farriers Association
Swiss Metal Union
Syndicat National des Marechaus Ferrants de France
Syver-son Manufacturing, Inc.
T. Norton, Ltd.
T.G. Scott Subscriber Services
TAK Systems
TFT/Tamsea, Inc.
TM Technologies
TRG Tool Company/File Sharpening Company, Inc.
TRUE FLITE PADS/The Victory Racing Plate Company
TT Distributors, Inc.
Tack 'n Togs Merchandising/Miller Publishing Co.
Tamsea, Inc. TFT
Tempil Division, Big Three Industries, Inc.
Tennessee Fabricating Company
Tennessee Farriers Warehouse
Tennessee State Blacksmith & Farrier School
Tennessee State Farriers Association
Texarkana College, Continuing Ed. Dept.
Texas Artist Blacksmiths Association
Texas Farrier Supply
Texas Professional Farriers Association
The Astragal Press
The Blacksmith Shop
The Blacksmith Shop
The Blood-Horse/The Horse
The Brayer
The Broomshop
The Canadian Farrier Connection
The Colorado Saddlery Company
The Country Harness Shop
The Equine Image
The Farnam Companies, Inc.
The Farrier & Hoofcare Resource Center
The Feed Bag & Tack Shop
The Forge
The Forgery School of Blacksmithing
The Forgeworks
The Horse Industry Alliance
The Horse's Hoof, Inc.
The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care
The Horseshoe Barn
The Horseshoe Store and More
The Iron Shop
The Judge's Choice
The Last Resort
The Lincoln Electric Company
The Magnetic Horse
The Market Blacksmith
The Piedra Foundation
The Quarter Horse Journal
The Real Wrought Iron Company, Ltd.
The Reviewers Consortium
The Saddle Shed
The Shoein' Shop
The Stableizer
The Traditional Metalsmith
The Victory Racing Plate Company
Therapeutic Equine Products, Inc.
Thornmoor Forge Supplies
Thoro'Bred, Inc.
Thypin Steel Company, Inc.
Tidewater Blacksmiths Guild
Tillers International
Tom Joyce Studios
Toor Enterprises
Tornado Supply Company
Touchstone Center for Crafts
Tracy & Company
Trafalgar Square Publishing
Trail Blazer Magazine
Tri-State Professional Horseshoers Association
Triangulo Rayado
Triebenbacher Bavarian Iron Works
Triple - S Chemical Products, Inc.
Triple-S Steel Supply Company
Tru-Balance Hoofcare, Inc.
Tucson School of Horseshoeing
Tucumcari Farrier Technologies
Turley ForgeBlacksmithing School
Ultra Hoof
UltraFlex - Division of Schneider Saddlery
United Vet Equine
University of No.Carolina - Charlotte
University of Oklahoma Press
Upper Midwest Blacksmiths Association
Upper Midwest Horseshoers Association
Utah Horseshoers Guild
Valley Farrier Supply
Valley Forge & Tool
Valley Forge & Welding
Vancouver Island Blacksmiths Association
Vellus Products, Inc.
Velthuis BV
Venezuelan Farriers Association
Vetline, Inc.
Vetoquinol, Inc.
Vettec, Inc. (Equi-Thane)
Victorian Master Farriers Association
Victory Mountain Forge Farrier School
Victory Mountain Forge Farrier School
Video Velocity
Village Farrier Hoof Care School
Village Smithy
Virginia Farrier Supply
Virginia Horseshoers Association
Visby Products
Visby Products
Vita Vet Labs, Inc.
Vita-Flex Nutrition
Vitality Systems, Inc.
W-Brand Products
W.F. Norman Corporation
W.F. Valentine & Company
W.F. Young, Inc.
Wagon Mound Ranch Supply
Wai Ulu Farms
Walla Walla Community College
Walsall Hardware Corporation
Walter Company
Walter Scradden
Ward Farrier Supply
Warwickshire College
Washoe Valley Farriers Supply
Water Mill Products, Inc..
Watt Camper
Waylan Smithy
Weld Dynamics, Inc.
Weller Horseshoeing Supplies
West Virginia Farriers Association
Western Canadian Blacksmiths Assn.
Western Canadian Blacksmiths Association
Western Canadian Farriers Assn- So. Alberta Chap.
Western Chem-Tech
Western Development Museum
Western Emporium and Tack
Western Equine Enterprises
Western Equine Enterprises, Inc.
Western Horseman
Western New York Farriers Association
Western Reserve Artist Blacksmith Association
Western Saddlery, Inc.
Western States Farriers Association, Inc.
Western's School of Horseshoeing
Whitmer Welding Supplies, Inc.
Wholesale Tool
Will Lent Horseshoe Company
Williams & Wilkins
Winners Bee Pollen
Wolverine Farrier School
Woodbury Blacksmith & Forge Company
Woodland Tack Shop
Worcester Center for Crafts
Working Together for Equines (WTFE)
World Farriers Association
Worshipful Company of Farriers
Wyndgate Farrier & Equine Supply
Wyvern Industries
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