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About The Anvil Online Marketplace In the fall of 1998, we decided to make a concerted “push” to increase our advertisers’ internet exposure by supplying individual Web pages as well as direct links to their Web sites during the months in which they advertise. This effort has been very successful, and we are now finding many of these individual advertiser pages listed by the major search engines. We have created the Anvil Online Marketplace to further enhance our "Web content" for our visitors. We are also asking Vendors, Retailers, and Manufacturers to join with us in this exciting initiative. As Anvil Online has been receiving solid and increasing visitor traffic since its inception, we are very excited about providing additional product and service information to our visitors. Many of our regular visitors will notice that our Book Store link has been replaced with The Marketplace. After several months of development and discussion, it was decided that it would be far more interesting to target this link towards a broader range of participants, products, and services. We are also looking forward to introducing The Anvil Online Gallery in 2000. We have worked very hard to optimize our Web site to deliver fast and efficient Internet content. Our Industry Resource Guide and Calendar are unsurpassed in the industry and updated monthly. This caliber of excellence is applied to our entire Web site. While we may sacrifice some “Internet bells and whistles,” we always try to minimize Internet “wait time.” We believe our visitor base has come to appreciate this. We are very pleased that www.anvilmag.com has evolved into a well-established household name in the Internet Farrier and Blacksmithing arena.
(c) 2000 Anvil Magazine