Forge - Practice

by John Lord Bacon
originally published in 1914
reprinted by Springer Archival Classics
P.O. Box 193
Chatam, New York 12037 USA
Hardbound, 280 pages, illustrated, $32.00 + $4.50 s&h
Reviewed by Diana Mead Jordan
This review was published in the November, 1996 issue of ANVIL Magazine

This historic document provides much of the traditional information about tools and forge work. One special feature is a method to calculate stock for bent shapes and other unique shapes. There are also several prescribed math tables with decimal equivalents, circumferences, and suggested proper heating temperatures for different projects and tools. The book as a whole reads as a blacksmithing textbook and reminds us that 80 years ago people were keen on the subject. This is one of Springer's reprints in the interest of preserving the old works.

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